Tuesday, January 12, 2016

La Primera Semana: A Week of Many Firsts

"Take time to do what makes your soul happy." - Unknown

Family & friends, I came across this quote while on the plane from Houston, TX in route to Lima, Peru... this is my first time out of the country and as the plane lifted air I couldn't help but ask myself, "What in the h*** are you doing, Ashley?!"  It really did not seem real.  As usual, my face could tell any passerby exactly how I was feeling; an overload of anxiousness was resting on my shoulders!

I am studying abroad in Lima, Peru for four months - that's what I'm doing!  I am being a rather brave chica, as my Aunt Jenny would say.  I will have a lot of time to myself - to do what makes my soul happy - with new scenery and experiences galore.  I am very excited for what is to come, and so far, it has been a week full of firsts for me in Lima.  I am fully immersed in the Spanish language, or as they prefer to say in South America, Castellano!  My friends and family are with me always, in my heart and in my head on this journey.

I had a boat load of anxiety the day before I arrived; I did not sleep a wink and my heart raced a million miles a minute for the entire duration of my flights.  When I finally put my feet on Peruvian soil, I was the last girl standing in the airport to find her family.  It was nearly 1:00 in the morning and I was sure that I was going to have to stay the night with my professors.  Think again!  I walked the aisles one more time to find a big, colorful sign with my name on it and was greeted with many hugs and kisses.  Xoxo!  Peruvians greet each other in this way: with a big smooch or beso on the cheek.  I wonder what my face looks like when they do it to me; this is one aspect that is going to take a minute for me to get used to.  Nonetheless, my Peruvian family is so kind.  I have a perfect fit, and for the first time in my life I have many brothers and sisters!  Two of them are very close in age to me, too.  Immediate friends.  I can get used to this!

Like a bird, I have flown south for winter.  Surrounded by beauty and warmth (it's summer & 80° here with 75-90% humidity, for those of you freezing in the states!), I am diving head first into this experience entirely.  My Peruvian mom walked me to school on Friday, but I was expected to find my way home.  I was initially afraid to walk the streets of Lima alone, but I navigated without a problem and have continued to explore the city every day.  I grabbed my own taxi that same evening and even bartered with the driver for a lower price.  Also firsts!

I have to say, the food here is amazing; I have yet to dislike anything I have been served thus far.  My Peruvian mom cooks rather simple, healthy meals that are full of fresh vegetables and fruits.  I humored my Peruvian mother in trying the first glass of fresh mango juice she made . . . but, it was not my last glass - I love it!  And to think I hated mangoes before!  Fresh mango, lemon, and pineapple juices are blended by her each day for the family.  She has a great appreciation for all flowers and plants, and that is a love that we definitely share.  She was also very excited to know that I grew up with a garden at home and at my grandparents' homes, and she loves to tell others of how much I like her food.  Like my papa says, all moms love good eaters!  This past weekend, my Peruvian mother and sister took me to a cevicheria: a restaurant that specializes in a very popular coastal dish in Peru.  Ceviche is made with raw fish and lemon/lime juices, and my first bite of this cured dish was surprisingly delicious!
In my first venture to the bar, I tried the Peruvian standard: a pisco sour (above)!  Pisco is a white brandy made from the grapes of Peru.  Yum!  My first try and definitely not my last!

Thus far, my favorite district of Lima and place to be is Barranco.  Lima has 43 districts, and I can be found in Surco!  The streets of Barranco are full of color and beautiful, interesting art.  I was captivated and I am eager to return to take more photos.  As you may have already guessed, my camera is around my neck nearly everywhere I go!  After a stroll to the coast with my Peruvian mother and sister, we stopped for a quick bite of helados - ice cream!  Thanks, mom.  :)  She snapped several photos of me on this day, as well.

Words that speak much to me in any language: think with the heart (top) & freedom (bottom).

In my first few days, I have seen and experienced much.  In strolling the streets of Miraflores a second time on Sunday evening, this time with my mother and sister, I was graced with what may have been the most beautiful view my eyes have come across thus far in my life: a magnificent sunset over the Pacific Ocean.  I fought tears - happy ones, of course - as I felt and continue to feel so blessed to be surrounded by this beauty and the kind, caring company of my host mother and sister.  It is almost overwhelming how welcomed I feel in my first week with this family.  They have often told me that I am a very good speaker, and this definitely encourages me to speak with them as much as I can.  I had decided to take a semester off from my Spanish studies before coming here and because of this I was very nervous that I wouldn't be able to keep up/express myself in front of my family.  This is not the case whatsoever!  My Peruvian mother has instilled much confidence in me, just as my own parents have always done.  I am learning a lot of new words from her and the family so far; continually surprised by how much I already know.  My host mother would tell you that I know everything, but I am fully aware that there is much room for improvement!  My first two days of school have been surprisingly short and interesting to say the least.  I am sure that I will do great.

In the first entry in my personal journal, I noted that I could only hope that Lima's sunsets were half as beautiful as those in Nebraska.  I knew that I would miss the abundant sky and the bright stars of home, and I surely do . . . 

But, for now, I can't complain.  :)
Yes, there are millions of people, beyond chaotic traffic, a plethora of constant noise, and much contamination/pollution . . . but, I am here to experience it all - the good and the bad - and I have made a promise to myself to never let any negative occurrences take away my happy over the course of my four month stay in Peru.  Se hace camino al andar . . . You have to keep walking to move forward!

We live in a beautiful world, and Lima is by far the most beautiful place I have ever been.
Welcome to my blog!  I hope that you enjoy the pieces I post of my journey in the future.  Chow!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful blog my sweet girl!! Enjoy your grand adventure and thanks for sharing your adventure with us all!! Love you loads!! Aunt Jen:)
