Tuesday, March 8, 2016

La Octava Semana: Maravilla del Mundo

Happy International Women's Day!  Today I celebrate the strong, kind, loving women that have raised me and continue to empower me to always be brave and LOVE with my whole heart.  To the amazing women in my life - all of my female friends & family - WE are paving the way to a brighter, better world now, tomorrow, and forever together!  How awesome it is to be a woman!  Cheers!

Well, I am currently experiencing the ninth week - loving every minute of the moment I am currently in - but (I became aware of this today) I can barely come to terms with the fact that I only have 6 weeks of class left here.  Seven more weekends and I will be in Nebraska... now that just doesn't seem real, does it?!  Right now, I am flipping through about 300 photos from the past weekend - the eighth week - & I am most eager to share with you the breathtaking beauty that filled my eyes and heart!  CUSCO & MACHU PICCHU!

As I packed my bags on Wednesday night after another week of assessments & exams (they never seem to end...), I took a break to celebrate one of my host brother's (I have four) birthdays!  I sat down for a very late dinner (11pm) with my host mom & her six children, sharing some good conversation and a couple of pisco sour shots.  We sang Happy Birthday to him, both English and Spanish versions, and indulged in some decadent coffee cake!  I loved this night; I felt really included in their celebration and conversations, too.  And, this week, we have yet another birthday to celebrate!

How could I forget Tuesday?!  The first day of March was one of my happiest days here in Lima.   I surely had an extra pep in my step on that day; I truly could not stop smiling, either.  Because... I FINALLY received my packages from my parents and boyfriend!!  What a pleasant surprise!  I was renewed with positive energy and love from a few of my favorite people!  Like my mom said, if it would have been April 1st, I would have never believed that paper slip telling me to go pick up my packages.  I wish I could trust the mail system here, but... there are more important things to discuss than that. :)

Come Friday, I was up before the crack of dawn to grab a taxi ride to the Lima airport at 5:00am.  One of the longest mornings of my life, let me tell you... I only get up that early to duck hunt with my Papa!  Our group did not arrive in Cusco until about 11am, and then we were off to explore the city of Cusco or Cuzco, however you feel like spelling it is the right way I've come to find out.  

Inca ruins galore for the entirety of this trip!  I walked through a cave (to the underworld...) and cheated by using my flashlight to see - Oops!  To curb my altitude sickness and headaches, I tried some coco leaf tea.  I can best describe the flavor as warm, watered down green beans; now you can decide for yourself whether you would like it or not from that description.  Our guide, Milo, was very in tune to the area and the nature.  I definitely appreciated that!  Even bugs have souls to this man; I can't say I disagree, but I also can't say I will ever stop swatting mosquitoes ninja-style.
The guide: Milo!
Steps of the Inca to the underworld... (yes, upside down stairs)
 The light at the end of the cave... A sigh of relief :)
City of Cusco

Duality fountain (the man & the woman)... 
Gorgeous Catedral Basílica

On Saturday I added a new stamp to my passport AND visited one of the Seven Wonders of the World or Maravilla del Mundo - THE Machu Picchu!  Wow... I am still recovering from how breathtakingly beautiful and knowledgeable of a day it was in Machu Picchu!  I garnered some awe-inspiring photographs and a few good ones of myself, too.  I brought a hat with me, but I didn't want to block my perspective whatsoever, and failed to put it on...  I definitely paid for that decision.  Sunny skies & minimal cloud coverage was excellent for pictures, but not for my face.  Again... WOW!  Being in the cloud forest was beyond amazing for me and I look forward to the day that I can return!  The train ride up and back to Machu Picchu was fantastic.  I didn't see a lot of wildlife, but I did spot a black cormorant braving the thrashing, rapid white caps of the river.  I found myself day-dreaming... Oh, what I would do to be that cormorant and sit upon one of the giant rocks jetting out of the wild water (these are the thoughts of a biology nerd)...  Clearly, I loved Machu Picchu.
Want/need some earrings like these...
Fresh snow melt mixing with the sediment-filled river; a natural beauty!

 Real residents of Machu Picchu: llamas!

 One of many altars (below)

Rock formation that mimics the mountains from two perspectives (below)

 Stray dogs read "sucker for ear scratches" on my forehead... I love it!  Now, if only I could take them home!

Almost unheard of with the lovely combination of the regular rainy season teamed up with El Niño, myself and my camera were rather lucky to miss out on the rain for three days of adventuring in the Andes!  Sunday held more gorgeous views of the Inca civilization in the Sacred Valley and surrounding towns.  I did, however, wake up with a deep-fat fried nose (water bubbles galore) from Saturday's big adventure regardless of the sunscreen I slabbed on my schnoz.  Apparently, I need zinc oxide.  I'm still treating the burn, but it was worth it not to wear a hat I think (don't take my advice here)... :)  A little shopping therapy in the markets split up the time between the ruin sites on Sunday afternoon, and I am still super pleased with my purchases and bartering skills.  Staying true to buying natural, homemade products, I spoke with the mountain men and women that I bought from... For example, I watched a woman make a belt - an entire day of work, she said - for only 15 soles a day.  That is less than $5 a day.  Can you imagine?
 The Sacred Valley (Inca ruins)
 At the market...

That same day, we stopped for lunch at a pretty little serene spot along the raging river.  I enjoyed fresh veggies, smelled flowers aplenty, and jammed to live music; I was in heaven!  Blue and Gold Macaws screamed at me as I entered and exited the restaurant, too.  I took a moment to sit and reflect my trip alone along the water.  Although I am with a group of awesome people, this is still my own unique, incredible experience that is molding me with each passing day, whether I am in the magnificence of Machu Picchu or the hustle and bustle of Lima.  I am happy here.  I feel rather lucky.

Plaza of Cusco at night
I so loved Cusco.  This rainbow city was outrageously full of color and beauty.  A cool climate, surrounded by mountains and bright green scenery, full of fresh air and a grand view of the sky... that is Cusco in a nutshell.  With the weather and the wide-open sky, I found myself really missing Nebraska, because it felt like spring in NE while I was there.  Of course, I will never forget the natural beauty that is Cusco and Machu Picchu, and I hope that you can add your own Maravilla del Mundo stamp to your passport one day!  I promise that it will be well worth the trip.  I hope that you enjoyed joining me as I relived mine... Until next time; Chow! - A

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